Studying for Security+ | Governance, Risk, and Compliance

That’s a wrap. I finished the last course yesterday (I’ll talk about what I’m going to do next in the next article).

This domain is all about risk assessment, audits, report types, etc. If you have been through a security audit this will be a refresher. If you haven’t it may take some time to figure out the lay of the land.

Last year I led an effort to become ISO 27001 certified. It was a learning journey and this content would have really helped me. I’m not going to lie, at different points in getting ready for the different phases of the certification, I found myself Googling and watching videos on how to perform some of the requirements of the standard. If I could have gone back, I would have done it in the reverse order.

Anyway, I’m excited to be done with the course and to start the next part of studying, reviewing.

LinkedIn Course Link


Studying for Security+ | Study Material


Studying for Security+ | Operations & Incident Response