Studying For Security+ Certification: LinkedIn Learning

So I picked the certification, now how do I study for it.

CompTIA offers a couple courses (pricing table below) starting at $549 for the study guide (which includes a re-take voucher). I’m looking for more than a study guide though… at least I think I am. At the same time, I don’t think I’m ready to spend $949 on their CertMaster class.

My current job pays for a subscription to LinkedIn Learning (formally Linda) and they have some courses by Mike Chapple. From what I can tell, this guy wrote the book (literally.. I think he wrote some of the tests and native study material and has his own website for cert studying). The LinkedIn Learning course is just an intro and won’t get me past the finish line, but I want to make sure this is the right cert for me and inch my way in.

My thought process is that I’m going to complete the LinkedIn Learning course first, then probably subscribe to Mike Chapple’s test prep course (from his website). After taking some practice tests, if I still don’t feel prepared, I’ll continue with more study material.





Source: CompTia Website (


Studying for Security+ | Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities


Choosing a Security Certification